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Showing posts from 2017

Be ruthless in your actions; be kind in your tone

Actions tell us why words don't mean a thing. So here's me writing why it's so important to communicate your messages through actions whilst maintaining the calm in your tone. It took me years to realize that people being ruthless in their tone is a result of them being angry at themselves. I have personally said some pretty nasty things to people who's actions tremendously affected me only to find out that I was only angry because I cared so deeply about them & that their slightest actions had such a big impact on me. This often ends up making us look immature & someone with a lot of negative energy. Sounding angry almost never covers our sole purpose of being angry, which is to convey our feelings to another person. I have often noticed that people barely pay attention when you're angry although the purpose was to grab their attention in the first place. This is why it's important to "DO" & "NOT SAY". Think of it like

DobrĂ½ den Praha - Favorite City

Happy Tuesday lovely people!! :) Decided to do a quick series of pictures today on the ever so lovely city, Prague. Prague, is the capital of Czech Republic & the beauty of it is indescribable. A very busy & always crowded city which makes it lively. Probably why it is my favorite city. (Oh! I could live there in a heart beat) This post is almost an year overdue. Nevertheless, I hope you guys enjoy!! A very busy Tuesday morning in Prague  The upside-down horse in NovĂ© MÄ›sto Bubble Trouble A picture perfect sky on a very gloomy day in Prague The Praha Orloj a.k.a the Prague astronomical clock View from the famous Charles' Bridge Visiting the Absinthe bar - Another off the bucket list Hot Chocolate so so good St. vitus Cathedral So that was a glimpse of the breathtakingly beautiful city of Prague.  You can follow my travel / lifestyle posts on instagram @natasha_fdo  Till next

Are Men Really As Complicated?!

All our lives we've been taught to believe in a certain way. That is, men often hurt the women they love the most. Now before I go any further with this, let me first apologize for my language I may use in this post. :P But seriously. That above statement about men hurting the women they love? What a load of BULLSHIT!!! Now that quote I posted above of E.L. James', for any of you who don't know, is from the famous book "Fifty Shades of Grey" & that quote is still stuck in my head after all these years. Probably the only thing that made sense in that book. ;) So, for you ladies out there wondering why men are so complicated, the truth is THEY AREN'T! Now there are some instances they can bullshit their way into tricking us BUT, most of the time, they're literal, straightforward people. The trick is to take everything they say literally. Don't overthink it, don't analyze it, don't justify it & don't search for hidden mean

Bella Venezia

A very much long overdue post because it took me forever to gather the pics -,- But you know what they say, better late than never ;) I'm just gonna walk you through a summer stroll in the breathtakingly beautiful city of Venice because, why not?! As hot & as sunny as it was, not once did we fail to admire it's beauty amidst that exhausting heat. A city completely built on water & a maze. You'll never know where you'll enter & where you'll exit from. Despite the prominent & popular landmarks, it's really not an easy task finding your way through this place & chances are, you'll never walk the same street twice OR you'll be walking around the same place over & over. There's no in-between. A place that had forever been on my bucket list but I didn't tick it off yet because I've still not had enough of it, & I probably never will. Beating the heat with the BEST~GELATO~EVER!! An art Mus

Modern Dating

In this rapidly changing busy lives of ours’, consistency is key. With the many things we strive to achieve on a daily basis, sparing time to invest in a relationship can be nerve wrecking at times. This is probably why monogamy is considered rare & precious in the 21 st century, although it was a common factor back in the day. Men used to really go after what they want & women used to commit once they had found a suitable match. Going on date used to mean picking her up from home, perhaps surprising her with a bunch of flowers & then walking her up to her door at the end of the date. Asking someone out on a date has been replaced from “I’d like to take you out to dinner sometime” to “Let’s grab a drink when you’re free”. What used to be the norm back then is now referred as #RelationshipGoals . Why? Because it almost never happens anymore. Women used to set the bar high & men had to really work to match those standards. Everyone was a #PowerCouple back i

LIVE. Don't Just Exist!

Whilst scrolling through my facebook news feed sometime back, I came across this great quote; "Some people die at 25 & aren't buried until 75." This hit me real hard & it got me to thinking "What in hell's name are we doing with our lives?." Although I was already experiencing quite a great deal outta life, somehow, this quote made me feel like it wasn't enough. And guess what? It's never enough. How we choose to live our lives may vary from person to person. Whilst traveling may appeal as truly living to one, a career to die for may appeal the same to another. Some people refer to partying every weekend as living life to the fullest whilst for some it's nothing but a hearty breakfast in bed with your loved ones on a cold Sunday morning.  Whichever it is, it has to be something that sets your soul on fire, makes you smile like a 15 year old in love & keeps your heart bursting with contentment at the end of the day. I

Who's Type Are You?!

Most of our lives are spent on us analyzing ourselves. Or even over-analyzing I'd say. As little girls & boys, to teenagers, to young adults, to grown ups, we have always wanted to be the best version of ourselves. And sometimes we go overboard into being the best version of someone else. Maybe when we were young it was all about being like our favorite fairy or princess or superhero. As we grow up, it was more about being liked & accepted by others that mattered. We have ideally spent most our time trying to fit in, out of the fear of rejection. Rejection by parents, friends, romantic partners. The fear of never being   'good enough' . Due to this reason we often grow up to please people instead of being the rebels we ought to be. At least for the most parts of our lives, that is. Lucky for some, at some point in their lives they take a turn. Sooner or later, they realize that life is meant to be lived simply the way it is. not perfectly, but perfectly