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Showing posts from September 17, 2017

Be ruthless in your actions; be kind in your tone

Actions tell us why words don't mean a thing. So here's me writing why it's so important to communicate your messages through actions whilst maintaining the calm in your tone. It took me years to realize that people being ruthless in their tone is a result of them being angry at themselves. I have personally said some pretty nasty things to people who's actions tremendously affected me only to find out that I was only angry because I cared so deeply about them & that their slightest actions had such a big impact on me. This often ends up making us look immature & someone with a lot of negative energy. Sounding angry almost never covers our sole purpose of being angry, which is to convey our feelings to another person. I have often noticed that people barely pay attention when you're angry although the purpose was to grab their attention in the first place. This is why it's important to "DO" & "NOT SAY". Think of it like