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Showing posts from January 16, 2022

Breaking The Cycle

  I had a very loving upbringing as a child. A mother who loved me and a father who spoilt me. So much so that I grew up to believe that the world was just as loving. Just as giving. And that I would always get my way. My mom was by nature kind, caring, generous and maybe even naïve if I may add. But now as an adult I realize that this was not helpful at all. I think it’s safe to say that the worst advise I’ve received to date was in fact from my mom. She used to say like a prayer that “Love was only to give & not expect anything in return.” This is the only way she knew to love but I now know that this statement is wrong on so many levels. I was raised to be a giver, an empath, a healer & a provider. No matter how I was treated in return. This indeed is obviously what I have applied to all my past relationships. I was repeating the same toxic cycle. Then one day it dawned on me that the people I attract were the reflection of my own behavior. So I decided to break the patt