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Showing posts from May 21, 2017

Modern Dating

In this rapidly changing busy lives of ours’, consistency is key. With the many things we strive to achieve on a daily basis, sparing time to invest in a relationship can be nerve wrecking at times. This is probably why monogamy is considered rare & precious in the 21 st century, although it was a common factor back in the day. Men used to really go after what they want & women used to commit once they had found a suitable match. Going on date used to mean picking her up from home, perhaps surprising her with a bunch of flowers & then walking her up to her door at the end of the date. Asking someone out on a date has been replaced from “I’d like to take you out to dinner sometime” to “Let’s grab a drink when you’re free”. What used to be the norm back then is now referred as #RelationshipGoals . Why? Because it almost never happens anymore. Women used to set the bar high & men had to really work to match those standards. Everyone was a #PowerCouple back i