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Showing posts from June 11, 2017

Bella Venezia

A very much long overdue post because it took me forever to gather the pics -,- But you know what they say, better late than never ;) I'm just gonna walk you through a summer stroll in the breathtakingly beautiful city of Venice because, why not?! As hot & as sunny as it was, not once did we fail to admire it's beauty amidst that exhausting heat. A city completely built on water & a maze. You'll never know where you'll enter & where you'll exit from. Despite the prominent & popular landmarks, it's really not an easy task finding your way through this place & chances are, you'll never walk the same street twice OR you'll be walking around the same place over & over. There's no in-between. A place that had forever been on my bucket list but I didn't tick it off yet because I've still not had enough of it, & I probably never will. Beating the heat with the BEST~GELATO~EVER!! An art Mus