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Showing posts from June 12, 2016

Positive Mind. Positive Vibes. Positive Life.

Here's to another fresh week with fresh hopes & one step closer to our goals. After a long pause, I decided to break the silence by writing this piece for all you kind readers out there. I know that in this very instance, there might be millions of people going through probably the worst phase of their life. Just a reminder that it's not the end but rather a new beginning. So here's why I'm going to talk about key elements to remain optimistic during the worst times of your life for the universe always reciprocates the vibes we put out there. I have discussed many times how our attitude has an impact towards every situation. But how many of your'll were aware that it has the complete power to change the circumstance?! As Lord Buddha once said,   "Your mind is a powerful tool. What you think, you become." Now this is what we need to keep in mind. Don't ever let the the negativity overpower the positivity for what you give powe