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Showing posts from March 20, 2022

The version of me you created in your head is not my responsibility

  In my thirty years of existence the amount of times I’ve battled the feeling of “never being good enough” is countless and honestly, quite sad if you ask me. As I’ve said before, I was raised in a household where openness and conservativeness were parallel. There are things that were ok to do and things that weren’t. It’s surprising that actually how some of the basic things were taboo and some things Asian parents considered taboo, I was allowed to do. Not gonna go into detail but I guess what I’m trying to say is, maybe growing up I was kinda lost in translation. I was constantly told to consider the society as part of my lifestyle before making major life decisions because somehow, for some reason their perceptions mattered. I was taught to be very cautious about my appearance because well, looks matter. I wasn’t allowed to leave my house without a pair of earrings, I wouldn’t be caught dead in flip-flops, never worn unfitting or non-matching clothes even in my teens, hair n