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Showing posts from April 23, 2017

LIVE. Don't Just Exist!

Whilst scrolling through my facebook news feed sometime back, I came across this great quote; "Some people die at 25 & aren't buried until 75." This hit me real hard & it got me to thinking "What in hell's name are we doing with our lives?." Although I was already experiencing quite a great deal outta life, somehow, this quote made me feel like it wasn't enough. And guess what? It's never enough. How we choose to live our lives may vary from person to person. Whilst traveling may appeal as truly living to one, a career to die for may appeal the same to another. Some people refer to partying every weekend as living life to the fullest whilst for some it's nothing but a hearty breakfast in bed with your loved ones on a cold Sunday morning.  Whichever it is, it has to be something that sets your soul on fire, makes you smile like a 15 year old in love & keeps your heart bursting with contentment at the end of the day. I