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Showing posts from January 31, 2016

Breaking The Ex-Addiction!

Well well! In my last post I talked about how to ease up & get through the hardships of life when everything seems to be falling apart. Today's topic is about how to heal after a break-up while living a life that feels good on the inside. Your reaction to every action. You can't help what happens to you along your journey in life. But you have total control over how you choose to react to it. A problem only have as much power as you decide to give it. For those who missed my last post about how to over come a hard situation, just click on the link here   Say you did everything which was in that post, now how do you keep it up is what I'm going to talk about in the next topic. Finding the inner-peace. What's all this inner-peace everyone keeps talking about?? As you all may have heard, the saying goes   "Your mind is the most powerful tool once properly trained."   So finding inne