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Showing posts from July 3, 2016

Say Yes To An Active Lifestyle

Happy 27th week of the year 2016 :) As I was very impressed on the no. of views I had on my last post on positive living, I thought I should maybe do another quick post on lifestyle. Since this is a more practical subject to talk about & also since I believe it will add value to your daily routine in aspects of organizing / healthy living & energy saving. Frankly speaking, I'm not in an age where people would expect me to be forever exhausted. More like, at this age people would expect me to have the amount of energy to go club hopping like almost every other day & I myself couldn't help but wonder why or rather how my energy levels have dropped so much & I decided to do my own research. I found a good read & the answers were to my own surprise. Here are the links to what I found >>,,20818045,00.html#more >>