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Showing posts from August 21, 2022

Not where I want to be, but definitely not where I used to be

Life in a nutshell has been a bit turbulent over the past few months. Physically, mentally & emotionally. For the most part of it, dealing with things that were far beyond my control & trying to keep my sanity in check has been more than a task. To deal with the curveballs that were thrown at you every single day was draining & nerve wrecking. Living in a third world country where the inflation spiked up to over 60% in a span of a few months while we still haven’t recovered from a global pandemic is not at all easy. Everyday we wake up with a new problem. At one point my life was all about figuring out how to get to a place & then back home. Something as simple as a short distance cab ride was not just a luxury, it was damn near impossible. The constant worry about what the future holds was spiking everyone’s anxiety.   Everything was being affected. Our entire lifestyle. But like every other thing we go through, the only way out was through. This period was a whole new