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Be ruthless in your actions; be kind in your tone

Actions tell us why words don't mean a thing.

So here's me writing why it's so important to communicate your messages through actions whilst maintaining the calm in your tone.

It took me years to realize that people being ruthless in their tone is a result of them being angry at themselves. I have personally said some pretty nasty things to people who's actions tremendously affected me only to find out that I was only angry because I cared so deeply about them & that their slightest actions had such a big impact on me.

This often ends up making us look immature & someone with a lot of negative energy. Sounding angry almost never covers our sole purpose of being angry, which is to convey our feelings to another person. I have often noticed that people barely pay attention when you're angry although the purpose was to grab their attention in the first place. This is why it's important to "DO" & "NOT SAY".

Think of it like this; If you're with someone who's constantly agitated by something you're doing & is often complaining about you doing it but never takes an initiative to stand up for themselves, & sticks with you regardless, what would you do? Are you more likely to change your behavior for them? Are you going to acknowledge their concerns or are you gonna continue what you do? I'll tell you what's going to happen. You're still going to continue what you do, get really tired of their complaints & rants, start mentally pushing them away & make up excuses to put the blame on them.
The reality of this situation is that they stick to you amidst their intolerance is because they love you, they're afraid of losing you & they want to prove their worth to you. What they fail, however, to understand is that them constantly saying things is not going to make you realize their worth & by sticking around too long, they've already lost their value in your eyes.

Now think of the same situation in reverse; You're with someone who is so calm, so bubbly & full of positive energy. Kind, caring & loving but also has the will power & enough self-respect to remove themselves from situations that constantly generates negative energy. What does such a person do when they find themselves irritated by one of your behaviors? They would communicate with you about it in a very honest, yet warm tone. They'll even offer to help you overcome it. If they see it continue they might bring it up one more time, very calmly. If yet you're not willing to change, they will keep their calm & drop you like a hot potato. The next thing you know is that they're far far out of your life. You might not run after them & initially it might not even hit you but, sooner or later, when you see them still keeping their calm & not giving a rats ass about you, it's gonna eat your brain. This is when you'll start approaching them again but it's highly unlikely they'll let you in.

Do you know what's worse dealing with such a person?! They will still be kind to you & their tone so sweet, it's like your actions had no impact on them whatsoever! But amidst their kindness, their actions will give you all the vibes that they will never let you into their lives on the same level again. The position you once held in their life will never be vacant for you again. At this point you know, you messed up big. Your ego might not admit it, but there's nothing stopping you from regret.

Now think of both situations & think deep. Which of the above two people do you find yourself being more attracted to? An arrogant person whom you know you can yet get away with anything or a kind, happy-go-lucky person who would not put up with your bullshit?? The majority of your answers are going to be the 2nd person.

People maybe different to one another but human psychology is more or less the same when it comes to attraction. So as a person, strive more to be what attracts you. Attract what you expect & reflect what you desire. You cannot expect one thing whilst being the complete opposite of it.
So if it's the person in the 2nd scenario who's more likely to win your respect & attractions, then that's the person you need to often strive to be.

There are so many quotes about words such as "words are a powerful tool", "words are sharper than a sword", "words can cut you like a knife", bleh! I agree. They are powerful. As long as you use them the right way with the right tone.  What's far more powerful are your actions. Words lose it's power when the actions fail to compliment them.

So just like the title reads, "BE RUTHLESS IN YOUR ACTIONS; BE KIND IN YOUR TONE"


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