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Dobrý den Praha - Favorite City

Happy Tuesday lovely people!! :)

Decided to do a quick series of pictures today on the ever so lovely city, Prague.

Prague, is the capital of Czech Republic & the beauty of it is indescribable. A very busy & always crowded city which makes it lively. Probably why it is my favorite city. (Oh! I could live there in a heart beat)

This post is almost an year overdue. Nevertheless, I hope you guys enjoy!!

A very busy Tuesday morning in Prague 
The upside-down horse in Nové Město
Bubble Trouble
A picture perfect sky on a very gloomy day in Prague

The Praha Orloj a.k.a the Prague astronomical clock

View from the famous Charles' Bridge

Visiting the Absinthe bar - Another off the bucket list

Hot Chocolate so so good
St. vitus Cathedral

So that was a glimpse of the breathtakingly beautiful city of Prague. 

You can follow my travel / lifestyle posts on instagram @natasha_fdo 

Till next time! x


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