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Showing posts from 2016

Say Yes To An Active Lifestyle

Happy 27th week of the year 2016 :) As I was very impressed on the no. of views I had on my last post on positive living, I thought I should maybe do another quick post on lifestyle. Since this is a more practical subject to talk about & also since I believe it will add value to your daily routine in aspects of organizing / healthy living & energy saving. Frankly speaking, I'm not in an age where people would expect me to be forever exhausted. More like, at this age people would expect me to have the amount of energy to go club hopping like almost every other day & I myself couldn't help but wonder why or rather how my energy levels have dropped so much & I decided to do my own research. I found a good read & the answers were to my own surprise. Here are the links to what I found >>,,20818045,00.html#more >>

Positive Mind. Positive Vibes. Positive Life.

Here's to another fresh week with fresh hopes & one step closer to our goals. After a long pause, I decided to break the silence by writing this piece for all you kind readers out there. I know that in this very instance, there might be millions of people going through probably the worst phase of their life. Just a reminder that it's not the end but rather a new beginning. So here's why I'm going to talk about key elements to remain optimistic during the worst times of your life for the universe always reciprocates the vibes we put out there. I have discussed many times how our attitude has an impact towards every situation. But how many of your'll were aware that it has the complete power to change the circumstance?! As Lord Buddha once said,   "Your mind is a powerful tool. What you think, you become." Now this is what we need to keep in mind. Don't ever let the the negativity overpower the positivity for what you give powe

Breaking The Ex-Addiction!

Well well! In my last post I talked about how to ease up & get through the hardships of life when everything seems to be falling apart. Today's topic is about how to heal after a break-up while living a life that feels good on the inside. Your reaction to every action. You can't help what happens to you along your journey in life. But you have total control over how you choose to react to it. A problem only have as much power as you decide to give it. For those who missed my last post about how to over come a hard situation, just click on the link here   Say you did everything which was in that post, now how do you keep it up is what I'm going to talk about in the next topic. Finding the inner-peace. What's all this inner-peace everyone keeps talking about?? As you all may have heard, the saying goes   "Your mind is the most powerful tool once properly trained."   So finding inne

How To Get Your Life Together No Matter What Life Throws At You

Hello People!! :) Well wishes for the new year as this is my 1st post for the year and those of you who keep up with my blog would notice I've done some minor changes here. To begin with, I've added a new column called "Lifestyle" & I sort of edited the other columns. The reason being, I realized I've got more to write on daily happenings & more practical ones. This is basically gonna be on day-to-day things we face and I intend on guiding those in need of some sorta emotional uplifting.  So Today's topic, also the first topic under this column is to get you guys through the hardships in life, gracefully. Keep reading & I hope it'll be useful. I must say that 2015 was probably not the best year of my life. Actually, definitely not the best year of my life because what happened during that year was all beyond my control. It was a sudden, surreal blur. Literally. From Jan to December. Every news I heard, every circumstance I had to f