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Showing posts from 2021

You're Not For Everyone!

Hello lovely readers!! Been a while since I wrote anything. Well, I'm starting to see a pattern in my opening lines actually because . . . I've come to the realization that I do not write as often as I would like to. But 'ey, QUALITY over QUANTITY aye?! Yes, quality. Definitely!! When it comes to basically everything in life from food to clothes to cosmetics we often look for quality. Ironically, when it comes to the most important aspect we tend to completely overlook this. RELATIONSHIPS and the people we associate ourselves with.   We will befriend just about anyone in this day and age. Is it due to common courtesy, need for attention, out of loneliness, inability to set boundaries or the lack of self-worth on our part?! Well, I am still looking for the answer too. But here's the thing, it's not the answer that matters but the question itself. How many relationships, romantic or platonic, do we need in our lives?! Its a matter or quality over quantity. Why is it s